For other inquiries please use the links below.
We do not provide pills or sell products.
We do not offer medical or legal advice.
We do not connect individuals with sources of pills.
Plan C is not affiliated with any of the services listed in our directory. For questions about ordering, paying for, or delivery of abortion pills from these services, please contact the service directly.
For all press and media requests, please use our media inquiry form.
Visit our Partnerships page and fill out the contact form.
Visit our Medical Professionals page and fill out the contact form.
Email us at
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Visit our Support & Resources page for a list of free medical and legal support hotlines.
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Note: Digital security experts recommend setting up a free Proton Mail email account for added security when communicating about sensitive health information.
For broken links or general website feedback, please email
For feedback about the services listed on our site, please choose "I have a complaint about a pill supplier" or "something else" from this menu.
For anything else, email Plan C does not sell pills or provide support.