The Plan C Guide to Abortion Pill Access

Support & Resources

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Free Medical and Emotional Support

We’ve partnered with several organizations dedicated to supporting folks having abortions and miscarriages.  Use the menu below to connect with one of our partners based on your care preferences.

For Medical Questions

The M+A Hotline
Connect with a doctor through the M+A (Miscarriage + Abortion) Hotline, a free and confidential service.(M+A does not sell abortion pills)

Call or text: 833-246-2632

Ally Chatbot
Ally is a 24/7, safe abortion chatbot accessible over WhatsApp. Users can instantly access medical abortion protocols, pre- and post-abortion care considerations, links to contraceptives, and customized country-specific resources to safely self-manage their abortion. Ally also connects users to online counseling support.

Connect to Ally on WhatsApp at + 1 833 221-2559

For Logistical and Emotional Support

Reprocare Healthline
Connect with a peer counselor or doula through Reprocare for free and confidential help understanding how to get pills and how to use them.

Call or text: 833-226-7821

All Options
All-Options provides counseling as well as emotional support and referrals at any point during or after someone's experience with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption.

Call: 888-493-0092

Exhale Pro-Voice
Exhale is a talkline that gives callers space to process feelings around abortion, after your abortion or miscarriage.

Call: 617-749-2948

For Individuals: the Repro Legal Helpline

If/When/How: Lawyering for Justice advocates and lawyers provide free, confidential legal advice and information through their helpline. Reach them online or at 844-868-2812. They also defend people who are prosecuted or threatened with prosecution for self-managing their abortion.

For Individuals: Abortion Access Legal Defense Fund

The Abortion Access Legal Defense Fund, launched by the National Women’s Law Center after Dobbs, is designed to help people pay for expenses related to legal consequences they are facing because they have sought an abortion or helped someone obtain an abortion or information about abortion care.

For Individuals: Pregnancy Justice

Pregnancy Justice (formerly National Advocates for Pregnant Women) is dedicated to defending the rights of pregnant people against criminalization and other rights violations because of pregnancy and all pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancy Justice is the leading organization providing pro-bono (free) criminal defense for people charged with crimes because they were pregnant and had (or tried to have) an abortion.

For Minors: Navigating Abortion Laws & Judicial Bypass

Some states require that parents be notified or give consent for a  minor to get an abortion.** Your provider can help you understand what the law is in your state and how parental notification or consent works.

If you do not feel comfortable or safe involving a parent or guardian in the decision to have an abortion, you have two options:

  1. If you are less than 13 weeks pregnant (counting from the first day of your last period), you can get abortion pills mailed to you from Aid Access. They serve minors in all states and territories. They are able to serve minors without parental consent or notification because they operate from states with special laws that do not require them to do this.
  2. You can get a judicial bypass (permission from a judge). The process to get a judicial bypass is free, but can be complicated and requires going through a court process that may take between 1-3 weeks. This usually involves going to a court to fill out forms before setting up a meeting to talk to the judge. The Judicial Bypass Wiki can help you learn how to get a judicial bypass. Organizations like If/When/How, the ACLU, and Jane’s Due Process, and other local organizations can also help you.

** 36 states require parental consent or notification for minors seeking abortion care.  Parental consent means one or both of your parents or  legal guardian(s) has to sign paperwork saying that it is OK for you to have an abortion. Parental notification means that the abortion provider must tell your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) about the abortion before it is done. Abortion providers must comply with these laws if they are serving a minor who lives in a state, travels to a state, or uses a telehealth provider in a state that requires parental consent or parental notification for abortion.  In these states, providers cannot help you if you do not have parental notification or consent. 

For Providers & Organizations: the ACLU Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative

The ACLU says: Our Abortion Criminal Defense Initiative (ACDI) launched in 2023 in the wake of Dobbs to address criminal defense needs of abortion providers and those helping people seek abortion care. Run by two former public defenders, we work to ensure that those facing abortion-related investigation or prosecution are armed with zealous, values aligned criminal-defense counsel to fight for them. The ACDI works with and supports a network of over 140 experienced criminal defense attorneys barred in 36 states, including all abortion-hostile states, who are ready to defend those in need of representation.

ACDI attorneys provide client-centered support by building on the local and substantive expertise of criminal defense attorneys. Working with local defenders, the ACLU provides legal support and assistance to best serve the individual the needs of each client and the individual circumstances of their case.

Where we can help

  • Have you been contacted by law enforcement or received a subpoena or request for information regarding providing or helping someone access care?
  • Are you facing criminal investigation or prosecution related to providing or helping someone get an abortion or reproductive care?
  • Do you have criminal defense advising needs related to decisions about providing or helping others access care?

ACLU ACDI focuses on providers and organizations who are helping (e.g. practical support or funds). For individual guidance and support, visit

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Financial Support

Organizations offering funding to people seeking abortions

A note about financial support:

Many telehealth abortion providers offer flexible pricing or will help patients connect with outside financial support. Our guide shows whether financial assistance may be available from each provider. If you're in need of financial help, ask your provider if they can help you directly or if they can refer you to an abortion fund.

Local abortion funds may also have resources to help you. Find your local fund using the directories linked below.

Abortion Freedom Fund

Abortion Freedom Fund is a national fund focusing on funding telehealth abortions.

We simplify access to care by funding virtual abortion providers and clinics, individuals accessing telehealth abortions, and reimbursing local funds for telehealth abortion care.

National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF)

The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) is a justice-centered organization that helps individuals to remove their financial and logistical barriers to abortion access across the US.

National Abortion Federation (NAF)

The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the professional association of providers. The NAF Hotline offers unbiased information about abortion, referrals to quality providers, and financial assistance. It’s free and serves everyone, regardless of their individual situation.

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Learn about abortion pills

Educational resources to answer your questions about abortion pills and the self-managed abortion process.  If you have additional questions you can get free text and phone support.

Abortion Pill Instructions (English & Spanish)

Get step by step instructions for how to take abortion pills, in both English and Spanish.

Abortion Pill Instructions (Other Languages)

Detailed instructions for how to take abortion pills, available in 27 languages.

The website also has a 24/7 chatbot—Ally—that is multilingual (English, French, Spanish, Hindi and Kiswahili) and equipped to direct visitors with detailed questions to a live counseling platform at Ally can also be accessed via WhatsApp at or +1 (833) 221-2559.

Illustrated Narrative of Self-Managing an Abortion

Read "Sam's Medication Abortion," an illustrated, first-person narrative of self managing an abortion from Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP).

The Plan C Blog on Abortion Pills

Read detailed guides on where to get abortion pills, how much they cost, and how they work.

Resource for Self-Managed Abortion After 12 Weeks

Ineedana developed this article in partnership with Abuzz for informational purposes, to inform the public on how abortion pills are used after 12 weeks. It is not medical or legal advice. Ineedana says: we believe everyone has the right to accurate and stigma-free information so they can make the best decision for themselves 💜

Plan C FAQ

The Plan C FAQ has answers to common questions about how abortion pills work and how people are accessing them in the US.

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Apps on Abortion

Mobile resources to answer your questions about obtaining and using abortion pills.

Charley Chatbot

Launched in September 2023, the Charley Chatbot was created to help people in every zip code understand their abortion options. It is a private and secure chatbot that provides users with personalized abortion options, including information about different abortion care methods, nearby clinics, accessing abortion pills, and referrals to support services. It's a user-friendly, judgment-free, and confidential tool designed by abortion experts for abortion seekers. abortion experts and made for abortion seekers.

Aya Contigo

Aya Contigo is a Spanish-speaker app with virtual support for abortion and contraception. Includes live chat and links to resources and reproductie health organizations.

Safe Abortion App

This app provides comprehensive, user-friendly information on safe abortion. The app’s gestational calculator helps people determine their options, and clear, illustrated information describes what to expect from safe abortions with pills, MVA, and D&E, and how to address possible complications should they arise. An extensive FAQ section addresses a broad spectrum of concerns regarding abortion.


Developed by leading reproductive health researchers, privacy experts, and users, Euki is designed to empower individuals to learn about their own body and take control of their health. They call themselves: "A period tracker that doesn’t track you."

Download in the Google Store for Android

Download in the Apple Store

Abortion Subreddit

The Abortion subreddit is great place to learn from peers about their experiences obtaining and using abortion pills for self-manage abortion. The site is moderated by volunteers from the Online Abortion Resource Squad, who ensure that every reddit post asking for abortion-related help gets a quality, accurate, compassionate answer. The moderators can respond in both English and Spanish.

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Other options for getting an abortion

More resources to answer your questions about obtaining and using abortion pills.

I Need an A helps people find abortion providers and resources based on location. They can help you avoid misinformation and stigma from anti-abortion organizations (that often pretend to be clinics).

Plan C's Quick Resource List

The Plan C team has compiled a list of useful resources for both activists and abortion seekers.

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Birth control resources

Birth control is "Plan A." Emergency contraception is "Plan B."  Abortion pills are "Plan C." Below are a few resources for learning about and accessing birth control and emergency contraception in the U.S.


Bedsider is an online birth control support network for women ages 18-29, operated by Power to Decide.

Birth Control @ Planned Parenthood

Learn about birth control options and find out more on how to access resources and care via Planned Parenthood.

Three for Freedom

Three for freedom is a simple resource site linking to birth control, emergency contraception and abortion all in one place.

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Resources for self-managed abortion outside of the US.


Manodiversa shares with us a series of videos subtitled in English, which talk about the need to work on the issue of abortion in diverse people with pregnant bodies (bisexual women, lesbians, trans men and non-binary people). It is part of their project: Diverse women also abort, supported by Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF).

Vitala Global

Together with women, girls & their communities, Vitala Global co-creates and implements digital sexual and reproductive health (SRH) solutions.

Women on Web

The mission of Women on Web is to provide safe, accessible and affordable online abortion care to women and people around the world (for the U.S., see They work to catalyze procedural and legal change in abortion access through telemedicine, research, community outreach, and advocacy. They are building a world where safe abortion care is accessible for all women and pregnant people, free from shame and stigma.


INTERNATIONAL: During COVID-19, safe2choose is continuing to work to ensure that women, especially vulnerable women and young women, are able to access crucial services including safe abortions. An average of 1,000 women from around the world connect monthly to their online abortion counselors, many requesting support with self-managed abortions. Half of the requests require a referral to a  health care provider close to their home - for additional counseling, pills, or services.