Here’s the deal:
Abortion pills are a medically safe and effective method for ending an early pregnancy. They're recommended up to 12 weeks and used by tens of millions around the world each year.
Despite unjust bans to care, research shows that abortion pills are available online and people are ordering them from any state. They cost from $150 down to $0 and ship times are often less than one week, when ordered from telehealth providers and other services. Free confidential resources and hotlines are available to answer questions, so no one has to go it alone.
These medications are FDA-approved, used by millions around the world, and have become an important public health option for people without easy access to a clinic or abortion provider - or because they simply prefer to self-manage at home. But it's only an option if a person knows about it, and there are certain things people need to know along the way.
Plan C is a nonprofit initiative to share comprehensive, evidence-based and publicly-available resources and information. Information can put agency over abortion back into the hands of the individual as they make a decision that's best for them.

Posting Tips
- Consider posting about “Pills in Advance” or Advance Provision: ordering pills to have on hand, in case of future need.
- Be inclusive in using gendered language — women are not the only people who get abortions.
- Use the hashtags #AbortionPillsByMail #AbortionPillsForever #PlanC #PlanCPills and tag @PLANCPILLS on Instagram, @plancpills on TikTok.
- Be proud to support reproductive health care — abortion isn’t shameful, it IS health care.
- Videos: post to Reels & TikTok. Keep them under 60 seconds (better: under 30).
- Know your rights & risks: everyone must decide their comfort with sharing this information online and with communities.
What is Plan C?
Our mission is to ensure everyone in the U.S. knows about abortion pills by mail and medically safe self-managed options for ending a pregnancy, no matter where you live.
To do this, we maintain a directory of information on providers and tested sources of pills by mail, along with hotlines for legal, medical and peer support for people choosing to self-manage an abortion on their own terms.
We share this information widely through digital campaigns, partnerships, and media. And we partner with other nonprofits and justice organizations to share information and catalyze this new reality of safe and effective at-home abortion care.
We work toward our vision of a world where these pills are demedicalized - and eventually over the counter - widely known, supported, and available to anyone who seeks them.